this globalization era, technology grew rapidly especially in terms of social
networking. According to Hootsuite, at least 45% recorded from the human total
population has used social media last January 2019s. It showed how influencing
social media now.
media itself, help us to communicate with many people from the various circle.
Whether it for a personal or public interest. The trend for using chat apps has
grown since last 2000s along with the emergence of diverse social media and
becomes society choice like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Path, etc. Not only
can give good impacts such make us easier to exchange information with others
but also can give bad impacts if it used arbitrarily like spreading hoax which
can harm to others. Therefore, it would be nice if we, as social media users,
use our social media as well as possible.
we know, social media gives us the freedom to be able to communicate with
anyone. But it not means we can abuse that freedom. Freedom not means without
ethics. There’re some ethics that we can know and apply together to be a good
user and minimize the bad impact that may occur to us.
First, choose and use the good and decent
word. When we interact with others, the word we used very determine whether our
purpose conveyed properly to others or not. Second, respect others. Our good
and decent word seen from how us respecting our interlocutors. This may be a
simple thing, but it will very help us to make sure our interaction running
smoothly. Respect in this point can also apply when we use their opus.
make sure you share the truth on your social media. Don’t share anything if you
don’t know is it true or not. Fourth, limit to share your privacy. Although
that is our right to post anything on our social media, please be wise for not
share too much about it because there might someone out there felt
uncomfortable with it. And last, just be yourself and don’t get addicted.
Generally, people who get addicted to using their social media would create
their new character besides their main character. They will force themselves to
follow the trend which could make them stress.
let’s be wise social media users. Maximize the benefits and minimize the
: Tanti Aulia Syafitri Lubis – 106218023
References (2018). Pentingnya Etika Dalam
Menggunakan Media Sosial, Nomor Dua Sering Diabaikan. Hebat Group.
Riyanto, A. D. (2019). Indonesian Digital Report
2019. HootSuite (We Are Social).
Sutianto, N. I. (2013). Etika Dalam Media Sosial. Kompasiana.
Na sep maon kak 😅