Thing called Ransomware
Ransom malware, or ransomware, is a type of malware that prevents
users from accessing their system or personal files and demands ransom payment
in order to regain access. The earliest variants of ransomware were developed
in the late 1980s, and payment was to be sent via snail mail. In this day,
ransomware authors order that payment be sent via cryptocurrency or credit card.
There are several different ways
that ransomware can infect your computer. One of the most common methods today
is through malicious spam, or malspam,
which is unsolicited email that is used to deliver malware. The email might
include booby-trapped attachments, such as PDFs or Word documents. It might
also contain links to malicious websites. Malspam uses social engineering in order to trick
people into opening attachments or clicking on links by appearing as
legitimate—whether that’s by seeming to be from a trusted institution or a
friend. Cybercriminals use social engineering in other types of ransomware
attacks, such as posing as the FBI in order to scare users into paying them a
sum of money to unlock their files. Another popular infection method, which reached its
peak in 2016, is malvertising. Malvertising, or malicious
advertising, is the use of online advertising to distribute malware with little
to no user interaction required. While browsing the web, even legitimate sites,
users can be directed to criminal servers without ever clicking on an ad. These
servers catalog details about victim computers and their locations, and then
select the malware best suited to deliver. Often, that malware is ransomware.
So how to counter or prevent ransomwar before it
started attack our computer?. Here, we recommended some of method about it;
First, Always update Anti Virus. Every
Anti Virus security company will always try to update and prevent viruses from
entering the victim's computer. So, when there is a new type of virus, every
Anti Virus security company will move quickly to add a list of its virus
database and kill every virus that is already in the database list. Therefore,
in Anti Virus we must always update at any time to avoid the attacks of old
viruses and new types of viruses. Two, Activate Turn On Password
Protected Sharing. If the server you are using requires sharing files,
you should enable password protected sharing in Windows to avoid entering and
spreading the Ransomware Virus. Three, Be careful in downloading and installing files that
have extension .exe or other installer extensions. In downloading and installing
files with the extension .exe, .bat and other installer extensions, you should
always pay attention to the website address that is downloaded. Make sure you
download it directly from the original website developer. If downloading on
another website, make sure the contents of the file are completely free of
viruses. You can check for viruses on a third application, for example, https://www.virustotal.com/. Four, Check e-mail address and e-mail content when receiving e-mail. In
receiving an email, make sure to check the sender's address. Avoid emails that
contain the address of the fake sender and as soon as possible to indicate the
email as spam, then report it as phishing. Five, Use Cloud Backup to backup
all data. This is
the best way that must be done to secure all your files from attacks by the
Ransomware Virus. By doing a backup of all data on Cloud Backup, you don't need
to worry anymore if your computer is exposed to the ransomware virus. Because,
if the computer and all files are exposed to the Ransomware Virus, you already
have a backup on Cloud Backup, it contains that all the important files
and the entire system on that computer. You only need to restore and the
computer affected by Ransomware will recover and the activity can run normally.
106218039 (Dhiki Setiawan) IR-1
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